Reiki Treatments REIKI COURSES
& Conscious Business Support
Berlin & Online

my MISSION & purpose
I am a certified Reiki Master Teacher from the Usui Reiki Ryoho tradition with over 6 years experience of giving Reiki Treatments and teaching Reiki Courses, in Berlin & Online.
I also support empathic & creative individuals who wish to offer their passions to others. I specialise in clear vision, mindset and manifestation, boundary setting, overcoming limiting beliefs, personal empowerment and self-actualisation.
What is Reiki?
What is Reiki? 〰️
What is Reiki you ask? I can only answer in part, because some things are better understood when sensed, experienced, or felt.
Reiki is different for each person, depending on what needs to be worked through energetically.
Usui Reiki Ryoho is a healing practice with roots in Japan, and it has been practiced for over 100 years. When I give you a Reiki treatment I hold my hands above your body in different positions, and follow the traditional practices that have been passed down through generations, to enable a flow of healing energy into and around the vital energy and physical systems of your body, such as the chakras, meridians and the organs. This is not my energy going into yours, but universal energy (conscious, creative and infinite), which is able to flow with direction and intention, to help relieve stress, emotional pain and physical symptoms - calming, healing, and supporting the mind, body and spirit. All you need to do is lay down on the treatment table and relax.
Who needs Reiki? Anyone. At any time. A Reiki treatment can relieve stress, calm and rejuvenate the mind and body, allow and accelerate physical healing, and is a moment of peace in the midst of a busy lifestyle. Reiki is an amazing gift and tool.
Can I learn Reiki?
Reiki Courses - Berlin & Online
As a Reiki Master I am able to pass on the tools, knowledge and the gifts of Reiki. You can learn how to utilise infinite universal energy to support both yourself and others through physical healing, emotional support, energetic balance and spiritual connection. I offer Reiki Courses in English, in-person in Berlin, and online worldwide.