Online Reiki Courses Now Available
As we all know, in March 2020 our daily life was affected by a global pandemic. This unexpected and challenging situation meant that many of us needed to adapt our normal ways of working. I was in the fortunate position to be able to shift my work to Online Reiki Courses and Distance Reiki Treatments.
Can you really learn how to do Reiki online via webcam training? Yes! How do I know this? Well, this is how I did all of my Reiki training, and Reiki has become my life and my full-time job. I met my Reiki Master Teacher while I was travelling in Mexico. I lived with her for a while, but as I was mostly back-packing and living in hostels, constantly on the move and in shared living situations, I didn’t feel like it was the right moment to dedicate myself to the practice. So she began to teach me via Skype once I returned to Europe. This is how we did all of my Reiki training - 1-on-1 via Skype. So I am very sure of the effectivity of this method.
The first group training I offered in online was in March, and it was a great success. Here is some feedback from one of the participants…
“Level 1 Reiki via Video Conference works! I had the chance to pass my level 1 Reiki via video Conference. Due to the exceptional circumstances of Corona Virus, the workshop was done via video conference. Guess What? we didn’t feel any difference between this approach and being in the studio. The result is the same and the connection with the group was as much present. Romana transmits her knowledge with ease, she is generous and dedicated to the people she guides.”
In total, I taught three Level 1 Courses online and three Level 2 Courses online during the 2020 March - May period. They were very beautiful experiences and the participants always seemed very happy!
I will continue to offer online training. More info here.